

Page history last edited by fran toomey 5 years, 1 month ago


 Becoming a life-long language/literacy learner............on the road to success!



The purpose of this site is to encourage and facilitate the teaching and learning of language/literacy skills….for the 21st century.


This site is designed to be a resource for teachers and specialists and adult educators who work with students who are struggling with language/literacy learning.


Our commitment is to the success of students with ability that has not yet been realized--students with learning disabilities, students from economically or educationally disadvantaged situations, students in need of different learning opportunities.


We focus on 3 areas:

                                                                ^Language Development

                                                                ^Early Identification and Intervention of language/literacy/ challenges

                                                                ^Learning how to learn


Our focus on Language/Literacy has included attention to reading comprehension problems, the development of vocabulary, and the role of oral language in the classroom.


Reading Comprehension: S.P.O.K.E.S

 S.P.O.K.E.S. is a framework for addressing all 4 of the language arts.  When students learn the 6 SPOKES skills and master at least one strategy for each skill, they will be on the road to applying those skills and strategies across reading, writing, speaking and listening.  We begin with Reading Comprehension.    




                                                                            Having the World at your fingertips!                            


                                                                 About the Links  


                                     The Journey Begins:  Reading Comprehension                                   

                                            Introduction to Reading Comprehension                                           




                                                 Introduction to S.P.O.K.E.S. Reading Comprehension                              

                                                                             (Including Excerpts from S.P.O.K.E.S. Teacher's Manual, Toomey, F, Scobie, B, Toomey, G (C, 2007)


                                                                                          Checkpoints Along the Way:




                                                                                          Knowledge Building 


                                                                                          Stop and Record


                                 Reading Comprehension and the Literacy Common Core Standards


APPLICATION:  Here is a wonderful web site created by Sharon Hayes and some of her colleagues for their school community: https://sites.google.com/site/folsomspokes/    





Images from Microsoft Office (except SPOKES logo) 

Wiki Author: Fran Toomey, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus, St. Michael’s College



Introduction to Fran

 About Us 



Explore Learning, Experience Success

Comments (3)

milksc@wsdvt.org said

at 8:58 am on Jun 30, 2009

I like your changes! Your site is easy to follow and has a lot of great information!


katia Hameg said

at 10:07 pm on Jul 5, 2009

This looks great Fran.

partonta@unit5.org said

at 9:07 am on Jul 21, 2009

Fran and George, Great site. What a means to get an online community together to understand, share, and reflect upon this vital area of adolescent reading comprehension. I can't wait to share this information with our district. Talk to you soon, wonderful information and resource!-Tom

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