Metacognitive Interview



Metacognitive Interview/Questionnaires                                                                                  SPOKES/FT,    5/08

This interview is in 3 parts:  A. General,   B. School Based Strategies  , C. Reading Comprehension Stratgies. 

Down load the document and try it.


Name                                                               Date                                 Recorder


Part A.  General

Three things you do well in school.


Three things you do not do as well as you would like to do in school.


What kinds of things/tasks (assignments, projects) do you like to do?


Three things you do well out of school.


                                                                                     * * * * *                                                                                                 

Part B.  Strategic Approaches to School Tasks

1.  When you have a task to do, do you make a plan?  Can you give an example?





2.  Do you make a schedule?  Break the task into parts?





3.  Before you start, do you have a purpose/know why you are doing the work, what you are trying to achieve?





4.  Are there guideless or rules you are supposed to follow (like a checklist or rubric)?





5.  Before you begin, do you think about what you already know about the topic or task?






6.  Do you think of how you will do it?  Do you have a strategy?  Can you give an example?





7.  What do you do if you don’t understand the directions?  The task? (Assignment)





8.  As you are working, what do you do if you make a mistake or get confused?  Do you ask for help?  Who do you ask?





9.  As you are working, do you monitor (pay attention to, stop and think about) progress?





10.   After you’ve finished a task but before you turn in your work, do you

       (a) think about how well you did it?


       (b) think about what you learned?


       (c) try to think of another time or situation where you will/can use what you learned?


                                                                                                    * * * * * 


Part C of SPOKES  Metacognitive Interview for Reading Comprehension ©



1,   Do you ever have difficulty when you read?  Like what? (Self-Management)


2.  Are the following things easy or difficult? (Sm)  How difficult:  Just a little (l)….some (3) ....a lot (5)

                Vocabulary:  What the word(s) mean             _____

                Long or complicated sentences  _____

                Remembering what you read in the last section or paragraph  _____

                Knowing what you are supposed to do _____

                Knowing how to answer the (teacher’s or author’s) questions _____

                Knowing something/a lot about the topic ______

                Knowing where to find the information you are looking for _____



3.  What do you do when you have difficulty?



 4.  Do you know why you are reading the text (textbook, article, etc)? (Purpose)  Do you know…

                (a) what kind of information you are supposed to understand?

                (b) what you will do with the information when you finish reading?

                (c) what the following words mean: define, analyze, etc (use text as source)

                (d) where would you find out the purpose for reading in your textbook? (Teacher/author/own idea)               



5.   Do you think the author does/did a good job of organizing the information (topic)? (Organization)

                How is it organized?

                Do you know what “text structure” means?

                Can you recognize these kinds of ideas:  definitions, comparisons, cause-effect, etc.

                In your textbook (reading material), is each section/chapter organized in the same way?

                Could you make an outline or map or summary of the information?



 6.  Can you figure out which concepts/vocabulary words are important? (Knowledge Building)  How?

                Do you know (usually know) the meaning of the important concepts/words?

                Could you put all/some of the important concepts together in a sentence?

                Could you explain what the topic is about (in a paragraph or section)?

                Could you use the important concepts to make an outline, map, or summary?



7.  While you are reading…. (Elaboration)

                Do you make connections with what you already know, read, or talked about?

                Can you figure things out if the author left something out or is confusing?    How do you do that?

                Do you make conclusions if the author doesn’t tell you something  (what happened, why, etc.)?

                Do you know what the word inference means?  When do readers make inferences? 



8.  Do you use your imagination when you read?  How?

                                Picture in your head?  What kinds?

                                Imagine yourself in the situation?

                                What will or might happen next?  As a result?

                                How you might use the information/ideas?

                                Where else the information/ideas might be true?  Happen?  Be the same?


9.  Do you criticize the author? ( What does it mean to criticize?)

                                For making the reading hard to understand?

                                For not being clear?

                                For not giving you enough information? What other kind of information should the author include?

                                For not  being accurate?

                                What do you think the author could do to make the reading better?



10.   As you are reading, do you stop and think about what you have read so far? (Stop and Record)

                Do you make notes?  Do you circle or underline or highlight?

                What do you do with the notes/marks when you have finished reading?

                Do the notes/marks help you keep track of what you have read?

                Do they help you remember for class?