Scobie and Toomey2 (97-06)
To enable students to use their knowledge for higher order thinking
Judith Irwin, l991
Strategies that Work
Harvey/Goudvis, 2000
Carlisle, 2002
CRISS, 1996
Self-Management (Sm)
*Recognizing breakdowns
*Identifying type/source of
*Repairing breakdown with
strategies and monitoring success
*comprehension monitoring
*adjusting strategies
*study skills
*Repair faulty comprehension
*Monitory the adequacy of
Executive Strategies (4)
*recognize breakdowns
*decide how to approach task
Sticky notes
Pre and post journal?
Identifying purpose (P)
*Reason for Reading Text
(A) Information, (B) How to use
Who determines purpose:
*Teacher, Author, Reader
Questioning (2)
Preparatory Strategies(l)
*Determine purpose
*Make predictions
Pre and Post Journal
Organizing the Information (O)
*Text Structure (8 basic types)
*Graphic Organizers
*Text Features
*Organize text structure
Determining Importance: Distilling the Essence of Text (5)
Organizational Strategies (2)
*Identify Main Idea
*Map text structure
*Cohesion Ties between Sentences
*Genre/Text Structure Instruction
Text Structure
Main Idea and Details
Graphic Organizers
Organizing for learning
Selective Underlining
Power Notes; Two column notes
Content frames
Story Plans
Knowledge Building (K)
*Identify Concepts
*Define Concepts
*Perceive and Construct
*Relationships among Concept
Making Connections (1)
Determining Importance: Distilling the Essence of Text (5))
*Access prior knowledge
*Word learning strategies
Concept Mapping
Elaborating (E)
Integrative Processes:
*Slot filling inferences
*Anaphora inferences
Elaborative processes:
*mental imagery
*affective responses
*Higher level thinking
Making Inferences (4)
Elaborative Strategies (3)
*integrating prior knowledge to
form images
*Generate explanations that
extend text info
Stop and Record (Sr)
*Listing important concepts
*Use of graphic organizer
*Concept Mapping
Leads to Summary Writing
Visualizing (3)
Synthesizes information (6)
Think pair share
Sticky notes for discussion
Read and say something
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