Textbook Examples of Purpose
Example 1: Science
Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Electricity and Magnetism, C 2000
Section 3: Series and Parallel Circuits (Topic) (page 64)
How many paths can current take in a series circuit? (Operation: Recall) (page 64)
How does a parallel circuit differ (Operation: Compare) from a series circuit? (page 64)
What happens to the bulbs in a series circuit if one of the bulbs burns out? (Operation: Explain: Cause-Effect) (page 64)
Situation: Construct a circuit, either series or parallel, that lights a bulb when the switch is closed….(Page 67)
Section 4: Electrical Safety (page 68)
How does a lightning rod protect a building? (Operation: Explain cause-effect) (page 68)
What safety devices are used in electric circuits? (Operation: List) (page 68)
How is injury from an electric shock on the human body related to the current? (Operation: Explain cause-effect) (page 68)
Situation: As you read, make a list of ways that you can protect yourself from an electric shock. (page 68)
Situation: Along with members of your family, find out if the circuits in your home are protected by fuses or circuit breakers. (page 72)
Example 2: Science
McGraw Hill, National Geographic Society C 2002
Note the number of concepts and ideas to be “understood” across 33 pages.
Note the range of tasks and where they occur in the chapter.
Unit A: Classifying Living Things
Chapter 1: The Plant Kingdom (pages 4-19)
Lesson 1: Living things are classified based on their characteristics (page 6-19)
Lesson 2: Classifying Plants (Topic) (pages 20-33)
Observe: Which leaves have the most in common? On what did you base your answer?
(Operation: Explain—give your reasons) (page 21)
Main Idea: Plants vary greatly in their structure and function (Topic) (page 22)
Make your own classification key to compare and contrast (Operation) similar things. How can a classification key be helpful? (Operation: Explain—give your reasons) (page 21)
Situation: With an adult, carefully observe leaves on plants in your schoolyard or in neighborhood parks. Study leaves of trees as well as bushes and shrubs. (page 27)
Why It Matters (page 31)
In one way or another, all living things on Earth—including humans-owe their survival to plants. Plants are the foods of certain animals that, in turn, may be the food of other animals. Plants also produce the oxygen that animals breathe. The roots of plants anchor the soil so it does not easily wash away. Plant parts, especially wood, are used to build structures of all kinds. For all of these reasons, it is important to understand how plants reproduce, grow, and thrive and to find ways to make sure that they are provided with a healthy environment.
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Chapter Review (page 34)
Vocabulary (angiosperm; biodiversity, microbes, etc.)
Test Prep (What two kinds contain bacteria?), (How is a fungus different from a plant?....)
Concepts and Skills
Situation: Product Aids: What if you were planning to open a store? Classify (Operation) your products into large or small groups in order to help your customers find the products they need.
Explain (Operation) why mosses cannot live in a dry climate even if there is water in the soil?
How are the cones of gymnosperms similar to and different (Operation) from the fruits of angiosperms?
How would you complete this table to account for all the kingdoms of life? (Operation: Classify)
Situation: You are exploring a forest and come upon a strange plant. What must you find out about the plant in order to narrow down the identity of the division (Operation: Classify/Generalize) to which it belongs?
Example 3: History
World Explorer: People, Places, and Cultures, c 2005, Prentice Hall
Chapter 1: Using Geography Tools
Chapter 2: Earth’s Physical Geography
Chapter 3: Earth’s Human and Cultural Geography
Section 1: Population Patterns in Places and Regions (Topic) (page 41)
Before You Reading: (page 41)
Focus Questions: What accounts for the distribution of the Earth’s population?
What is population density?
What are the causes of population growth?
Main Idea: The earth’s population is growing rapidly due to modern technology and
scientific developments, and is concentrated in areas where it is
easiest to live. (Topic)
Section 1 Assessment: (page 43)
Recall: Define: (a) population, (b) population distribution…..
Why is the Earth’s population unevenly distributed around the world? (Operation: Retell)
Explain population density and give examples? (Operation: Define)
Why is the Earth’s population growing faster now than in the past? (Operation: Retell)
Critical Thinking and Writing: Review the main idea statement at the beginning of the section. Write a paragraph explaining how population distribution adds to the challenge of dealing with our rapid population growth. (Operation: Summarize)
Making Predictions: What can we do to improve health care for the children around the world. If scientists discover ways to stop disease from spreading, how might this affect societies around the world? (Operation: Analyze and then predict)
Writing to Learn: You are a demographer studying the population of your community. Make a list of questions to ask and possible sources for answers. (Situation)
Example 4:
Creating America: A History of the United State (Beginnings through Reconstruction)
McDougal Littell, c 2002.
Chapter 6: The Road to Revolution 1763-1776 (pp. 140-141)
Interact with History: The year is 1765. Your neighbors are enraged by Britain’s attempt to tax them without their consent. Britain has never done this before. Everyone will be affected by the tax. There are protests in many cities. You have to decide what you would do.
What Do You Think?
*What is the best way to show opposition to policies you consider unjust?
*Is there anything to be gained by protesting? Anything to be lost?
*Does government have the right to tax without consent of the people? Why or why not?
Section 1 Tighter British Control
Section 2 Colonial Resistance Grows
Section 3 The Road to Lexington and Concord
Section 4 Declaring Independence
Section 1: Tighter British Control (p. 143)
Main Idea: Americans saw British efforts to tax them and to increase control over the colonies as violations of their rights.
Why It Matters Now: Colonial protests were the first steps on the road to American Independence
Section 1 Assessment (p. 146)
- Terms and Names
- Taking Notes
- Main Ideas
- Why did the Proclamation of 1763 anger colonists? (Operation: Retell, p. 144)
- How did colonists react to the Stamp Act? (Operation: Recall or Summarize, p. 144-145)
- What was the goal of secret societies such as the Sons of Liberty? (Operation: Retell, p. 145)
- Critical Thinking: (p. 146)
*Analyzing (Operation) Point of View. What were the two sides in the debate
Over British taxation of the colonies?
*Think About: how Parliament viewed the colonies; what concerns the colonists
Had about taxes.
Activity options: (Situation) Imagine that you are a colonial leader who wants to get your fellow colonists to protest British policy. Design a poster or write a song of protest. (p. 146)
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Chapter Assessment: (p. 170)
Review Qs
Critical Thinking
Alternative Assessment: (p. 171)
- Giving a report (Situation)….comparing and contrasting (Operation) events and conditions there [in another country, colony or regions of the world] with those in the British colonies.
- ….Hold a debate (Situation) on these issues, choosing one of the following roles to play:
*a strong supporter of independence and of an end to the slave trade…
*a supporter of independence but an opponent of ending the slave trade….
*an independence opponent…
3. Write a play (Situation)
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